
Why blogger delete your site, blog, page?


Hello All Friends, who are new user of blogspot site, by visiting some sites I cannot view because they were deleted by blogger. Also some of My blog were deleted
Well, Here is way that protect your site from deleting by blogger.
First you go to set up your blogger, go to Setting

  • 1 you see Adult Content, You click ' Yes'

  • 2 you please click ' Save Setting'

  • 3your blog will not be deleted by blogger any more

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6 comments: said...

Even if you do that, they will still delete you. It has more to do with the content those blogs are adding.

Nil Street said...

Most blogs that have been deleted had already been set to Adult Only. Seeing as most blogs whoch have been deleted seem to follow some pattern as the use of the word "boy" and then going to the letter "C", it seems clear enough that somebody is going through lists of blogs found on our blogs and flag them. Seems more of an homophobic flagging campaing. Like on YouTube, which also is the property of Google (just like Blogger), flagging campaings will disable your account until you can communicate with the administration of Blogger and have enough legal advices as to be able to menace them. Until then, Blogger doesn't review your blog even though they make you believe it is "currently under evaluation".

Anonymous said...

thanks you for your advice
Khmergay...warm kiss

Robin said...

Yeah, thanks for the advise but I'm afraid it's not enough to avoid the delection.

I've link your blog in Salsa Para Pecar.

Anonymous said...

I think it has more to do with copywrighted content. If you post images or download links to films which belong to certain studios (EG TITAN MEN) then your blog is likely to be deleted. Some studios are threatening legal action against Google if they persist in allowing these images and links to be hosted.

udom said...

Dear all, I am khmergay, I just know what I put here, actually I am not sure so much about the deletion, However I hope get more idea from the specialist of blogger to show idea Here

Warm Kiss